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Structure and Remit

The Education Committee has established a Board of Education to monitor, support and challenge those providing Education in Sark.


The primary role of The Board of Education is to guide the direction of Sark School, to support the children and young people, parents and staff and to identify any possible weakness in the school so as to bring about improvement.


The secondary role of The Board of Education is to monitor and maintain an overview of the care, education and performance of young people educated off the Island, the outcomes of further education and work-based learning for young people; and the impact of Lifelong Learning opportunities for the wider community.


We will place the minutes from the meetings of the Board of Education on this page but please do take a look at the Board of Education's Term's of Reference to provide you with more information on the Board itself.


The Board of Education can be contacted at the following address:

Board Members

David Stolton

Acting Chair of the Board

Minister for both Churches


Revd. David Stolton is currently the Acting Chair of the Board and is the Minister for both churches on Sark. He has lived on Sark since 2019, previously having been a regular visitor to the island for over 35 years. Whilst living in Cornwall, before moving to Sark, he worked as a part-time minister, and was also a pharmacist, with 30 years experience as a retail pharmacy owner. He has served as a trustee, board member and secretary with several charities and community organisations in the UK, and as a committee member on various NHS, local council, Royal Pharmaceutical Society and church committees. In supporting the core values of the school, he wishes to ensure the best outcomes for pupils, parents and staff  within the school’s overall contribution to the community of Sark.

Zoe Adams

Pupil Representative

Zoe’s family all hail from Sark, tracing their heritage back to the Royal Charter in 1565. She completed her primary education in Sark before going to boarding school in Guernsey, then on to St Andrews University in Scotland.  The Millennium saw Zoe return to Sark where she has remained since, working on her family's property. She can sometimes be seen driving a digger whilst crushing stone in their quarry and occasionally, fibreglassing roofs! 

She has a teenage son and is a member of the Board of Education as Pupil Representative.

Adam Turner

Parent Representative

Mr Turner was originally from the North-East of England, and moved to Sark in 2013. He is qualified in Construction Site Management and took up his current job as Facilities Manager at Stocks Hotel on Sark in 2015, and is also a volunteer member of Sark Fire & Rescue Service. He also sits as Vice-chair on the Friends of Sark School charity, and has undertaken numerous large fundraising projects raising money for the School. Adam was elected onto the Board of Education as Parent Representative in February 2022. He has twin boys who both attend the school and his wife is a HLTA at the School.

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